Why Need UPS ?

Power failure:
Power failure is responsible for 28% of computer system breakdowns.
Disruption of normal working hours:
Over one third of companies take more than a day to recover from the disruption caused by a power failure. 10% take more than a week.
Potentially losing millions in revenue:
Because of a power failure, 33% of companies lose between USD20 000 and USD500 000, 20% lose between USD500 000 and USD2 million. 15% lose over USD2 million.
Computer failure is a regular occurence:
Out of 450 leading companies surveyed; each suffered an average of 9 computer failures each year. (Source: Finf FVP/Fortune 1000 companies).
Power Failures mean network must be reconfigured:
Following a power failure it can take up to 48 hours to reconfigure a network system or a multi terminal.
The loss of valuable data, can all your data be replaced?
It can take days, weeks or even months to re-input lost data. Sometimes data is lost forever, for instance in CAD or graphics applications where original work can never be recreated.
Loss of orders:
While a company is recovering from a power failure, the selling process can be massively interrupted.
Company reputation:
Loss of market share, damage to a companies' reputation, and loss of goodwill are not covered by insurance following a computer disaster.
Slow claims process:
Insurance claims take a long time to settle - well after the disaster has occurred.
Company Survival:
90% of all companies that experience a computer disaster and don't have a survival plan go out of business within 18 months (Source: Price Waterhouse